Alternative content regulation on social media
Dans le cadre du 72e Congrès de l’International Communication Association (ICA), qui se tiendra à Paris du 26 au 30 mai 2022, le Centre d’analyse et de recherche interdisciplinaires sur les médias (CARISM, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas) organise avec le CIS (Centre Internet et Société - CNRS) une pré-conférence sur les formes alternatives de régulation des contenus sur les réseaux sociaux, le mercredi 25 mai 2022 à l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas.
Elle vise à réunir des chercheurs et chercheuses de toutes disciplines et de toutes nationalités travaillant sur les initiatives de la société civile visant à influencer les politiques de modération des plateformes et à exercer des formes alternatives de régulation de la parole sur les réseaux sociaux.
ICA 2022 Pre-conference : Alternative content regulation on social media
Opening: Romain BADOUARD, Cécile MÉADEL et Francesca MUSIANI, Carism and CIS.
Keynote Speech: Tarleton GILLESPIE, Microsoft Research, Cornell U
Session 1 / Co-regulation practices
- Robert GORWA, Clara Iglesias KELLER, Bharath GANESH, WZB Berlin and U of Groningen, “Hybrid Platform Governance: Alternative Regulatory Configurations for Content Moderation from GIFCT and Beyond”
- Stefan LUCA, European U Institute, “Journalism Credibility initiatives – an attempt to reconcile platforms with the press”
- Courtney C. RADSCH, UCLA, “Constructive Consensus Building or Coerced Cooperation? Approaches to polycentric content moderation”
Session 2 / Technologies as alternative regulation
- Ksenia ERMOSHINA, CIS, CNRS, “Safe space by design? Federated architectures and alternative socio-technical models for content moderation”
- Benjamin MEDEIROS, SUNY Plattsburg, “The user moderation ecosystem of reporting and defensive self-censoring on Reddit”
- Anna D. GIBSON, Niloufar SALEHI, Amy HASINOFF, Stanford U, U of California Berkeley, U of Colorado Denver, “Online Moderation Infrastructural Speculation”
Session 3 / Online communities and self-regulation practices
- Alexandre COUTANT, Julien RUEFF, Marie-Danielle TREMBLAY, Aline FARRIA, Florence MILLERAND, Michelle STEWART, Rémi TOUPIN, UQAM, “How do Quebeccers interact when they talk about news online? Lessons about how moderation could stop “the eclipse of the publics”
- Soojeong KIM, Michigan State U, “An Investigation of Alternative News Publication Comment Forums as Civil Spaces: A Study of Minority News Commenters”
- Thibault GRISON, Sorbonne U, “The fight against abusive content moderation as a model for new content regulation methods”
Session 4 / Civil Society Initiatives
- Steph HILL, Ryerson U, “Allies and Activists: Brand Safety Controversies as Channels for Social Media Content Regulation”
- Dennis REDEKER, Bremen U, “Alternative governors? Measuring user confidence in companies, states and civil society in platform content governance”
- Sophie JEHEL, Agnès GRANCHET, Marie CHAGNOUX, Paris 8 U et Pantheon-Assas U, “Media literacy as an alternative regulation of social media: the implications of a complex European Policy”
- Simran AGARWAL, Sorbonne Paris Nord U, “Alternative Regulation of Online Content in India: The Conditional Power of Civil Society”
- Barthélémy MICHALON, Sciences Po, “The expected and actual roles of Civil Society Organizations in countering hate speech online in the European Union”
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Contact : Romain BADOUARD